The personality of black bears in Utah is more to either run away or mock aggression than to actually carry it out.

Mother Black Bears have not shown the same aggressiveness when humans are near their cubs as brown bears have demonstrated. Black Bears are normally not aggressive, and the rare attacks on humans are motivated by hunger. When bears in Utah must wander near people to find food, they can be nuisances and threats to life and property. If snowfall has been plentiful, food sources are better for survival and for keeping the bears in the woods and out of our neighborhoods, campgrounds, and farms to forage for food. By easily locating the sows, rangers can see how many new bear cubs are born and survive each year. There are roughly 4,000 black bears in Utah, and the Division of Wildlife Resources monitors size of population by attaching electronics to a collar, which is placed around the neck of the sows (female adult bears). Some are black, and many are brown or beige in color. They live in forested regions throughout the State. Any other types are either in a zoo or brought to Utah illegally. The American Black Bear (Ursus Americanus) is Utah’s bear. This article answers the (FAQs) frequently asked questions about bears in Southern Utah. And 99% of the time, they are the good-news bears because of their contribution to the food cycle and ecosystems however, as with any wild animal, there is the occasional nuisance or danger to deal with. Yes, there are bears in Utah, including Southern Utah.