#Cerec tessera Pc
They also enable faster firing-requiring only 4.5 minutes in a CEREC SpeedFire furnace, even with stains. Programs for CEREC Tessera and CEREC MTL Zirconia Block added Programs and processing instructions for VITA SUPRINITY PC updated User info in case of.

The dual crystal structure of CEREC Tessera ALD is designed to interact with the visible light spectrum for ideal translucence, fluorescence, and opalescence. CEREC Tessera, ein Advanced Lithium Disilicate, berzeugt durch exzellente sthetik fr naturgetreue Restaurationen, auerordentlich hohe biaxiale Festigkeit fr langlebige Restaurationen und uerst kurze Gesamtverarbeitungszeit fr zufriedene Patienten und wirtschaftliche Workflows.For more information, click HERE Please unselect this item (s) to proceed to your cart. 99.99 + 3.25 shipping + 3.25 shipping + 3.25 shipping. The item (s) denoted below () cannot be added to your cart. CELTRA DUO LT A3.5 C14 New SIX(6)Blocks These Do NOT Fit Cerec-Brain Mill Only-6. CEREC Tessera blocks are the strongest glass ceramic blocks currently offered anywhere in the market-up to 32% stronger than the competition, with biaxial strength measured at more than 700 MPa. CEREC Tessera - MT A3 C14 - 4 Milling Blocks Sirona Dentsply.Starter Kit 12 x CEREC Tessera Blocks (each 2x A1 MT, A2 MT, A2 HT, A3 MT, A3 HT, A3.5 MT), 1 x Glaze liquid, 1 x brush, 1 x honeycomb tray, 3 x fiering pads, moldable silicon, investment pins, diamond-coated tweezersĬEREC Tessera ™, Advanced Lithium Disilicate, is an all-ceramic system for the production of crowns in the anterior and posterior region as well as inlays, onlays and veneers.